I have a question regarding the tracker bar of my Bremar piano
'manufactured at the Waddington Company' [050125 MMDigest].
It has, of course, the 88 note-holes, and a hole on each edge for
tracking, but further, it has holes for the reroll punching, sustain
pedal punching, and theming punching (Themodist/Solodant). Nothing
weird so far, but there were no hoses attached to those 4 holes
(reroll, sustain and theming), nor are there any of these devices
present, nor any traces that they had ever been there (except maybe
that the fact that the player has a divided stack).
Does this mean my player is build from another players 'leftovers'?
Or perhaps that this company used only one type of tracker bar in all
their pianos, regardless if they are Themodists or not? I'm puzzled.
(But this means I can always add these features :-D )
Regards, Niels Berkers
[ This is my guess. The store that ordered the "Bremar" player piano
[ asked the Waddington factory to provide the lowest cost instrument
[ that could play a piano roll. The factory responded, "We'll simply
[ omit unnecessary parts." This cost-cutting philosophy happens
[ after products mature and become generic "consumer goods".
[ -- Robbie