Hi All, I have been receiving notices that my eBay account is about
to be cancelled. They _look_ official, have eBay logos and copyright
information and usually say something like:
Dear eBay Member, We regret to inform you that your eBay account
has been suspended due to the violation of our site policy below:
... you are required to verify your eBay account by following
the link below. ...
I have _never_ had an eBay account, never bid on any eBay items and
have only looked at a few items to see what the pictures of items
looked like. I would assume if you clicked on the link to update your
information the scammer would get all your credit card numbers, etc.,
and you could lose everything.
Mickey Sadler
Dublin, Ohio
[ I believe the phony URL hidden in the message simply directs the
[ web browser to a scammer's web page that asks the victim to type
[ the requested information using the computer keyboard; few people
[ would be naive enough to comply. But I've also heard (from
[ admitted jokers) that the link will cause mis-matched socks and
[ tie knots in shoelaces and make the beer in the icebox go flat! ;-)
[ -- Robbie