Belated Christmas Greetings to all. For many years I have used
a device called a "FybRglass Eraser" (their spelling) for cleaning
electrical contacts in pipe organs.
It is a small plastic holder, approx. 4 inches long, containing a
replaceable cartridge of bundled fiberglass filaments. As the fibers
wear out you extend the cartridge much like a lipstick. I believe
its original use was as a pencil eraser in drafting. Except for
occasionally having to pick a glass sliver out of my finger, it serves
very well.
My problem is that I am unable to find more refills and I am almost
out. According to the package they were made by The Eraser Co., Inc.,
of Syracuse, New York. Local stationery stores haven't a clue.
Does anyone know of these and a source for replacements? Or, can you
pass along another way of contact cleaning applicable to organ keyboard
contacts, relays, etc.? All suggestions are welcomed.
Robert Oppenheim