I acquired a 1916 Remington piano with a Starr player action from
a lady who had kept it in her basement laundry room for 30 years.
Inside the case I noticed little white splotches on the finish that
appear to be mold or mildew blooms. The case is tiger oak and it is
in beautiful shape except for the "old antique" smell and the mold
or mildew infestation.
How should I clean this out? A violin maker suggested "Murphy's Oil
Soap", an antique restorer suggested a bromine tent for a week, or
a an ozonator and tent, provided I remove the rubber tubing (I have
to replace the large hoses anyhow, but the tracker tubing while old
is still supple and in good shape.)
I also need to get a new suction motor as the old fiberglass insulation
wrapped vacuum that the previous owner installed is no longer
functioning (nor would I use the rotten old wires connected to it.)
I searched through the MMD Archives, but while there are some specific
mold questions, not that many answers appeared.
My email address is changing this week, so <gavioli@sbcglobal.net> won't
get to me, but <tkonetsk@hotmail.com> is still good.
Ted Konetski
Azle, Texas - just outside Dallas & Fort Worth