Hi MMDers, I have been a big fan of the of the Vestal Press and the
Roehls for many years and want to be on the record as saying so. This
recent discussion thread will do little to change the fact the Vestal
Press is gone.
I have an extensive collection of publications. These include Vestal
catalogs (I think my first catalog is either #4 or #5 ) and all the
House Organ. I don't want to minimize the Vestal's contribution but,
as I see it, one of the best things the Vestal Press did for the hobby
of mechanical music was to offer "one stop shopping."
You can find most of the publications once offered in Vestal's catalogs,
but today you must search to find them. I purchase out-of-print books
all the time and I am willing to pay the price (that is the key). The
fact is I am not getting any younger and my books will be on the market
in time (I hope a long time from now..). Seek and you will find...
Rather than push for a re-make of the Vestal press, why don't we honor
the work of the authors who have offered us so much in the past --
authors like Q. David Bowers, Fritz Gellerman, Art Reblitz, Ord-Hume,
to name a few -- and also support new authors who are offering us a
fresh look and new subjects today.
There are still books being published today. I bought at least four
fine books on subject, last year alone. One book on phonographs, two
on organettes (one by Todd Augsburger) and Art Reblitz's book about
the collections in Northern Illinois all come to mind.
Let's not dwell on the past but move ahead and prime the pump for the
Gary Stevenson