[ Ref. "Printing a Book Music Template on a Cardboard Book" ]
Recent correspondence on this subject has made a simple job appear
difficult. Here is the good old-fashioned way.
Firstly, get your paper master, arranged in whichever way you want,
i.e., manually or computer printed. Personally, I believe that
manually arranged music, specific to the particular organ's
disposition, is superior to anything else.
Each 'repeat' need only be arranged once. For each 'repeat', staple
the paper arrangement onto the cardboard book. Only staple every other
page and only put staples in where there are no notes. By stapling
only every other page you ensure that the master and book stay in line
even when they are folded up together.
Punch this section of the music, through the paper and card together,
and then remove the master. You now have a punched master which can
be stencilled through onto the book for the repeat section. Continue
for all sections and repeats.
You will end up with a fully punched book and a set of punched masters
for stencilling further copies of the tune. The masters should be
marked to indicate the correct order for stencilling the repeats.
Simple! There is no need to print directly onto the cardboard.
Best regards from GB, Nicholas Simons