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MMD > Archives > August 2004 > 2004.08.24 > 08Prev  Next

Unknown Fair Organs & Tunes on Old Recordings
By Adam G. Ramet

[ Ref.

#9: "Annen Polka" by Johann Strauss

#15: "Banditenstreiche Overture" (Jolly Robbers Overture)
by Franz von Suppe

#21 is definitely not by Ketelbey nor Victor Herbert.  There is much
similarity to Robert Stolz's 1920 foxtrot "Salome".  By its style I'd
date the tune closely to 1919-1920.  A similar type of foxtrot appears
in a pastiche style in Ravel's "L'Enfant et les sortileges" (1925).
This style of multi-themed dance foxtrot is a European one from the
1920s almost certainly.

#22: Carmen Overture (Bizet) played on the Thursford Collection's
84-keyless Wellershaus

#24: Cowboy Serenade by Nosibrath

#27: Espana Waltz by Waldteufel (based on themes from Chabrier's "Espana").
I've never heard a fair organ play the Chabrier version nor am I ever
likely to!

#28: "Lily the Pink" played on the Thursford Collection's 84-keyless

Adam Ramet

 [ "Lily the Pink", by the 1960s British Pop Group "Scaffold", commemorates
 [ Lydia Pinkham, "the woman who was maybe the most famous maker of patent
 [ medicine in the U.S.A."  See :
 [   We'll drink a drink, a drink, to Lily the Pink, the Pink, the Pink
 [   The saviour of the human race
 [   For she invented medicinal compound
 [   Most efficacious in every case.
 [ -- Robbie

(Message sent Tue 24 Aug 2004, 23:16:21 GMT, from time zone GMT+0100.)

Key Words in Subject:  Fair, Old, Organs, Recordings, Tunes, Unknown

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