Oh my -- if only I was in Germany. I "know" the tunes 2, 3, 9 and 15,
but right now I'm guessing, as I sometimes mix these up.
#2: a German march
#3: could be "Der Rixdorfer" (I'd need the whole tune to know so)
#9: something from one of the Strauss family, therefore Viennese;
a very popular tune
While trying myself on number 15 again, I just now, while writing this,
found the tune on one of my other CDs. It's "Banditenstreiche", by
Franz von Suppe (e with "accent-t'aigu"[?] like "/").
We have the other three tunes, but I'd need to verify, which is
a bit tricky from here. :-P
greetings by(e) InK - Ingmar Krause
Victoria, British Columbia