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MMD > Archives > August 2004 > 2004.08.10 > 04Prev  Next

Mystery Fair Organ Plays Wurlitzer 165 Music Rolls
By Hans van Oost

Looking at the pictures attached to Mr. Conway's article, this is
99.9% sure a German barrel organ, built in Waldkirch [see the photos

In its original state it must have had between 50 and 60 keys and no
drums.  The white front pipes were always there.  Obviously, the side
wings were added later, and the main chest was built up at the rear
side; as a barrel organ there was a lid there, which would show the
barrel when open.  In the front, the innermost two columns were added
later, too -- they don't even fit!

The make could be Ruth or one of the Bruder factories.  Without very
close inspection of the wind-chest by an expert, it is impossible to
establish the exact make, and Waldkirch organ manufacturers often even
used each other's pipework!  I wish Mr. Conway much success with his
new acquisition; much of the original pipework still seems to be there.

Kind regards from the Netherlands,

Hans van Oost

(Message sent Tue 10 Aug 2004, 11:35:57 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  165, Fair, Music, Mystery, Organ, Plays, Rolls, Wurlitzer

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