Hi, I just finished restoring a large Paillard interchangeable
Orchestra box for a local museum, nickel plated, from the 1890's or
later (six bells, 24-note organ, drum, castanets).
The museum has three cylinders but no tune cards, so most of the tunes
are not identified. The 3 they have are 068, 099 and 118. Number 099
seems to be some sort of anthem cylinder with tunes like "God Bless the
Queen", "La Marseillaise", "God Save King Franc of Austria" and others
from different countries.
I keep thinking that I've seen a listing of the cylinders for Paillard
boxes by cylinder number. I went through most of the MBSI Journals but
I could have missed it.
Do you know where I can find a listing? Or would someone just happen
to have a similar box with a matching cylinder number (or know someone
who does)?
Craig Smith
near Rochester, New York