Book on Winkel's Componium in Brussels Bookstore
By Patrick Boeckstijns
Hi, The "De Sleghte" bookstore in Brussels has a collection of "out
of print" books for sale on the subject of mechanical music. Probably
from an estate. (I hope they were not stolen from Mr. Ghysels museum
in the burglary a few weeks ago.) Prices vary between 60 to 100 USD.
There's one book written by a professor of the University at
Louvain-La-Neuve [Belgium] on the Componium "composing machine"
Joyce Brite mentioned just a few days ago. There's several on dance
and band organs and a few on player pianos.
If people here on the list are interested I could find out what their
e-mail address is in case someone would like to ask them for a list
or purchase any of these books.
Best Regards,
Patrick Boeckstijns
PS: This gives me also the opportunity go say hello to Bjorn Isebaert
and Joyce Brite and how much I miss my e-mail conversations with the
late Dean Randall. At the time of his passing I lost my dad after a
long hospitalisation and was completely absorbed by my own problems.
(Message sent Fri 4 Jun 2004, 09:18:48 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.) |