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Christie's Mechanical Music Sale 25 May 2004
By Nick Hawkins

Dear MMD,  The long-awaited and much-delayed catalogue for Christie's
spring sale of mechanical music is now available on the internet with
the following link:

There are many rare, interesting and modestly priced items amongst the
250 lots, including the collection of the late Ron Benton, an original
member of MBSGB.  Highlights include:

Key-wind boxes:  A splendid Nicole Freres Grand Format piano-forte
musical box, no. 31610, a Reymond Nicole three-overture musical box
no. 666 and a F. Nicole two-per-turn no. 14747.

Miniature movements:  A fine Bordier three-air tortoiseshell snuff box,
a gold purse-form snuff box with Piguet et Meylan sur-plateau movement,
a silver sur-plateau musical etui, singing bird boxes by Bruguier,
Rochat and others.

Automata:  A Vichy Equilibriste No. 1, Gustave Vichy 'Pumpkin Eater', 
a unique Roullet et Decamps 'Tortoise Charmer' and many other pieces
including magician and advertising automata.

Also gramophones, phonographs, radio, Edison ephemera, calculators,
amusement machines etc.

The sale takes place on 25 May at 12 PM.  Viewing takes place from 23
to 25 May at 85 Old Brompton Road, London, SW7 3LD (nearest tube station
South Kensington).

Best wishes,

Nick Hawkins
tel.: + 44 (0) 207 752 3278

(Message sent Tue 11 May 2004, 15:41:33 GMT, from time zone GMT-0400.)

Key Words in Subject:  2004, 25, Christie's, May, Mechanical, Music, Sale

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