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MMD > Archives > April 2004 > 2004.04.13 > 02Prev  Next

Sankyo 20-Note Paper Strip Movement
By Harald Mueller

Christian Greinacher wrote in 040412 MMDigest:

>> ... I personally enjoy composing the music (done by a friend of
>> mine), punching the strip (boring!) ...

Hi!  I, or rather, Rudolf Klomfar in the Black Forest, could
punch them for you from a MIDI file.  Among other pieces, I have
arranged Joh. Strauss's "Kaiserwalzer", Carl Teike's "Alte Kameraden",
"Griechischer Wein" (a quite famous German hit from the '70s).

I think the result is not that bad, even though the first two are not
too slow, and the last one is in a minor key -- despite the fact that
the repetition is quite slow (at a speed of 12 mm/sec or about 0.5
inches/sec, there can be a hole for one note only every 8 mm = 0.3"/s)
and the scale is purely diatonic.

Harald Mueller
Grafing near Munich

(Message sent Tue 13 Apr 2004, 08:34:59 GMT, from time zone GMT+0200.)

Key Words in Subject:  20-Note, Movement, Paper, Sankyo, Strip

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