An interesting article entitled "Stabilising Worm-Eaten Wood",
by Chris McKay, appears in the March 2004 issue of the Horological
Journal, the journal of the British Horological Institute. Since
mechanical music instruments are sometimes found with worm-eaten or
rotten wooden parts, this should be of interest in our field also.
The author described how he repaired an oak part of a 18th Century
The trick is to use a substance called Paraloid B72. This has two
features that make repairs made with it reversible. First, it has
a "glass transition temperature" of around 40 degrees Celcius. Thus,
if two objects are cemented together with it, they can in the future
be separated by placing them in water heated above this temperature.
(This seems like a rather low temperature, which could be exceeded in
the American south. Perhaps there is a higher temperature version.)
Second, if wood is impregnated with this substance, soaking in acetone
will remove the Paraloid.
I do not intend to imply that working with Paraloid is easy or quick.
Anyone considering it should first read this article (presumably
obtainable in some libraries) or otherwise get information on it.
Where to obtain it? The article lists two places that sell it, both
in the UK. The article includes a photograph of a tube of it, and
from this one can discern that it is made by H. Marcel Guest Ltd.
Presumably their address can be obtained from a British consulate or
The photo also shows that Paraloid can be used for "repairs to pottery,
wood, porcelain, metal, leather, paper, cloth, etc., except rubber".
Musically, Cecil Grace