To add a xylophone to a regular 88-note player is difficult, and
impossible if it is a "foot pumper" and not electrified. I don't
know why anyone would suggest this feature.
A xylophone with 24 bars is with its frame a minimum 3 feet long and
3-1/2" deep. How will that fit into a "pumper"? If electrified and
most equipment removed at bottom, then it could happen. You are still,
then, without an "A" roll which is 6-to-the-inch tracker bar spacing.
Remember "we" are playing 88-note rolls. Controls have to be in place
to turn on and off, otherwise you will have to listen to the xylo when
playing a Chopin roll.
Most "A" roll nickelodeons have a xylophone as a standard feature, and
easily fitted if not. The cost of a good rosewood xylophone made
commercially would be $150-300 plus.
Steve Bentley
Vancouver, B.C., Canada
[ I'd love to hear a "pumper piano+xylophone" and I'll donate an
[ 88-note music roll I made especially for the instrument! The song
[ is "Triplets", composed by master xylophonist George Hamilton Green
[ for xylophone with piano accompaniment; I added Themodist accents
[ which help a lot (for a non-reiterating, accenting xylophone).
[ I'll place a MIDI file version at
[ -- Robbie