Hello All, With the recurrent lamenting of the fading of interest
in mechanical music, we at the Grand Blanc Heritage Museum are doing
something about saving it.
The attached photos barely begin to show the fascination and delight
of the many elementary school children that come through our museum,
who are shown -- and allowed to play -- our restored 1922 Farrand
pumper. A tour of the museum is an integral part of the local history
curriculum, and teachers book the tours a year in advance. Over the
next two months, we will be hosting eighteen elementary school classes,
which average 25-30 students plus several parents and teachers. All get
to try the instrument, and many come back later, dragging their parents
in to see this wonderful contrivance.
If anything is to sustain interest, it will be the sense of fascination
and wonder instilled in the young. It's our obligation to put it there.
Dan Harrett
Grand Blanc, Michigan