[ Harald Mueller wrote in 040228 MMDigest:
>>[ Satellite images of weather systems offer proof of the statement...
> ... but not for whirlpools, Robbie. The forces are much too small,
> and the "other" perturbations -- most by unsymmetrical outlets, by
> a rotation induced by the water streaming in -- are much too large.
This is as off-topic as it is counter-intuitive, but I can state that
I have deliberately put my hand into a sink full of water that was
draining counter-clockwise (as it does in the Northern Hemisphere) and
"re-trained" the water to spin clockwise. In every case, the whirlpool
broke up, and then resumed draining counter-clockwise. The effect is
quite pronounced and dramatic.
It does seem ridiculous that the coreolis effect or whatever should be
so strong as to reverse an existing vortex, but it happens. I hope our
Aussie readers report in on this matter.
Mike Knudsen