I want to let everyone know that their subscriptions have
not be "canceled". Robbie is traveling, and I was also out
of town for 6 the last 10 days. As a consequence, no issues of
the MMD have been published since the first of the month. I am
back now and will start sorting through the inbound mail. There
is a new worm which has caused a flood of junk e-mail in the
inbound mail queue, plus so much spam that I'm not sure what
steps to take, but I must do something.
Further, I find that some issues have come up regarding how to
make clear to people who post to the MMD that their postings become
visible to the public. New participants to the Internet sometimes
try to contact MMD subscribers regarding "for sale" items that were
posted YEARS ago without considering how absurd that might be.
So, in a small number of instances, we've humored requests by
subscribers to remove "obsolete" articles. On rare occasion there are
other situations where removal of an article may be desirable.
Because of the caching by the search engines, it can take a very long
time for such a deleted article to "disappear" from the collective
memories of the search engines. I want to be sure that submitters
of articles to the MMD understand that in most cases removing an
article is an unacceptable burden on us and that removing such
an article may not make it disappear from the 'Net, even though
it is removed from our server. Its just a fact of life of the
So please bear with us as we try to address these issues AND also
try to do the editing necessary to get the Digest out every night!
I have some catching up to do while Robbie is on the road.