Phil Procter asked in MMD 040130 for very thin diamond grinding cutting
wheels. For several years I have used for the same purpose diamond
grinding wheels as they are provided from dental suppliers.
Even cheaper, i.e., without any costs, I got some used ones from
my dental doctor. They are working very well on hardened steel
provided they are cooled with water during the cutting process.
One question, Phil: Why should the diameter of the cutting wheels be
about 5 inches? I can't believe you will find such big ones and if
you do they will be very expensive!
But I would like to add that, after the experience I had with about
some 20 teeth which I had cut from hardened steel, I learned that it
works much better to cut the teeth from normal weak steel and to harden
and temper it after having worked out the final shape of the tooth.
Christian Greinacher