In regard to Mr. Humes' request for small gears, may I suggest Stock
Drive Products. The address is
Stock Drive Products
55 S. Denton Ave.
New Hyde Park, New York 11040
The phone number is 1-515-326-8827. They also have a web site. Use
Google and search for Stock Drive Products.
They have many strange and wondrous drive parts! Their price isn't the
lowest, but their stock is tremendous. I ordered two drive belts for a
small hobby drill press sold many years ago by Hobby People in Fountain
Valley, Calif. The firm no longer had a source of parts for this.
I ordered the parts shipped UPS ground service, and two days after they
emailed me that the parts were shipped they showed up at my home, in
mid-December, yet! Definitely worth a look, if for no more reason than
to see what is available.
By the way, if ordered by credit card, they have no minimum shipping
quantity, so that you can order one item if necessary.
Jim Cook