I've recently created a Pianocorder Resources web site at
http://dp70.dyndns.org/pianocorder/ Suggestions and contributions
of additional material for the site are most welcome.
There are already several interesting items here for those of us who
still mess around with the old Superscope Marantz Pianocorder system.
Included are most of the Pianocorder schematics, manuals, and service
bulletins in PDF format. There is also a list of technicians
specializing in Pianocorder repair and a web forum specifically for
Pianocorder topics.
Perhaps the most interesting item is the Pianocorder Control Plugin
for WINAMP, a component I've written for the popular WINAMP media
player (http://www.winamp.com) to permit real-time control of a
Pianocorder from a Windows computer. The plugin can play MIDI files,
ESEQ files, and original Pianocorder tapes converted to disk files,
and there are controls for tempo, volume and transposition. Using this
software, I have been playing MIDI files of reproducing rolls scanned
by Terry Smythe, Spencer Chase and others with very good results.
Special thanks go to Grant Leonard for supplying the one-of-a-kind,
keyboardless, Pianocorder-equipped spinet I've been using during
development of the control software, and to Tom Lear for his
terrific help with beta testing.
Mark Fontana