Those needing documentation for the Conn Strobotuner ST-6 and ST-11 can
find it on my personal web site:
I'm not in the business of selling, servicing or repairing these
instruments. I just happen to have a serviceable ST-6 that I have been
happily using for the past 20+ years, and its documentation came with
I've simply noted over the years numerous messages on the 'Net seeking
this documentation. Some years back, in the interests of trying to be
helpful, I scanned my ST-6 documentation and posted it on my web site.
Since then, somebody else sent me the documentation for the ST-11 which
I have also posted.
The ST-6 is nearly identical to the ST-4, ST-5, and ST-8 Strobotuners,
so I would expect the documentation for the ST-6 to reasonably apply to
the others. I'm uncertain if that statement applies to the schematic
Hope this helps a little.
Terry Smythe
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada