Hello MMDigest readers, In the last few years, I've repurchased
many of my music rolls on eBay, under Artcraft and earlier the labels,
dating back to the beginning of the 'Sixties. The Artcraft releases
began in 1982, though some of the first arrangements, duplicated by
Play-Rite, were issued under John Powers' Atlantic label, which
overlapped my niche enterprise.
Before this time the rolls were duplicated by Larry Givens
(Givens-Gourley Inc.) in Pennsylvania and were also hand-copied on my
Leabarjan perforators, either the #5 model or the 16-roll style #8-B
(with a stylus 'reader'). My handmade rolls ended with the demise of
the Auto-Typist, which produced high quality, pretrimmed 11-1/4" paper
until the late 'Seventies. (Yes, I did make some 16-roll runs on
white/brown QRS stock, which came with the #8-B, but those were in
limited quantity.) Anyway, Lois Konvalinka suggested that these
'recycled' music rolls be called the "Heirloom Series", since they were
part of collectors' libraries for 20 to 30 years' time, often longer.
A special stamp was ordered today from our Maine source and it should
arrive tomorrow. The stamp will mirror the dimensions of the one on
the right margin of Artcraft rolls, saying "Roll - __of__" for the
numbered release, plus "Date___", which is stamped, usually with red
ink. However, this new stamp is designed to be applied, just under the
original one, with these words: "Re-issued by The Artcraft Studio" and
"Date___". Thus, a roll from January 15, 1983, say, could have another
'boxed' stamp, below, with a second date, reading "November 5, 2003",
for example.
We have new boxes, labels, spools, tabs and all the ingredients for
recycling rolls, here in Maine. If the music sheet is perfect, then
the "Heirloom" re-release should be put back into the marketplace.
Already, we have had stamps made for free replacement labels (for our
boxes and leaders), so that roll owners can change them, if these paper
items get 'worn', over the years. (Consult a current roll leader for
information about that - or write to us, via E-Mail/PO mail, if you
wish, for information.)
Clearly, Artcraft is doing its best to keep those landfills from
Douglas Henderson - Artcraft Music Rolls
Wiscasset, Maine 04578 USA