Greeting, There is at least one way to converting between Red, Green
and Licensee Welte without any destroying the integrity of the machine.
The E-Roll Player interface that I sell can be installed in any Welte
system. In fact, we have just designed an installation method that
allows the original brass tubing to remain, unaltered.
Once the system is installed, simple software conversions will allow
any format to be switched to the others. It is just a matter of a few
note transpositions and the conversion from lock and cancel coding to
on off coding for the expression controls, or vise versa.
Of course, this only would appeal to those who want to both preserve
the original instrument and also increase its repertoire. Those who
feel it is a crime to play anything but rolls on these instruments need
to be wealthy enough to purchase and restore one of each and a huge
library of rolls in excellent condition. Any ideas where to get Welte
rolls in good condition at a reasonable price?
Best regards,
Spencer Chase
Garberville, Calif.