I can't feel Robbie was serious when he suggested the Jumbo "B" metal
flange was a "local" replacement from the local machine shop! When
these rolls were a common sight and still being sold, I would imagine
replacement flanges, etc., could be purchased from your local music
shop, but that is just my guess.
In my modest collection of Jumbo "B" rolls, I have number 100255 which
is dated at 1929 and has the subject metal flanges that were painted.
That is five years before the roll discovered by Bob Stewart.
As for this being an after-market item, that is not a very practical
idea. The left sides flanges just pull out, but the right side flange
is glued in place and removing it could very well destroy the core,
not to mention mangle the paper roll with a lot of twisting, turning
and pulling.
It would be interesting to know why metal was used and to what extent.
We do know now it spanned, at least, a five year period.
Yours in Mechanical music
Ken Vinen, Stratford, Ontario, Canada