I think that it would be a great idea to save the Whalom Park carousel
organ. How about saving the entire carousel, complete with organ and
setting it up somewhere? Perhaps find an amusement park that could use
an antique wooden carousel and set it up there along with the organ.
If I'm not mistaken, Quassy Park, in Connecticut, does not have an
antique carousel and they could use one, plus it has a band organ to go
along with it. Maybe some entrepreneur should buy the carousel and set
it up in a good location so people can enjoy it for many more years.
If there is a place near Whalom Park where the carousel could be set
up, perhaps it could be set up there so that a piece of the soon to
become defunct park can be preserved for many years ahead. This would
be a great opportunity to buy a piece of history and to preserve it for
generations to come.
Jeff Alterman