Hello all, thank you for all your responses to my request for a MIDI
controller for a band organ [030916 MMDigest]. I will contact you
soon. Now for an alert to all of us that love mechanical music:
Whalom Park, in Lunenburg, Massachusetts, has closed for good. If
anyone in the Massachusetts area is close by there, give them a call
and find out what they are going to do with their carousel band organ.
Let's not let a piece of history, nor the carousel, go to waste!
If you know of someone that has the room for a carousel and band organ
then let's save a piece of history! They have closed the park for
good and are selling off the rides, so I have been told. If I had
the room and resources I would buy them. They are also selling the
roller coaster.
Take care, everyone.
Sincerely, Jeff Bridges
[ See also http://www.savewhalompark.com/ -- Robbie