In response to Bob Stewart (MMD 030907), I can offer the following.
March of the Dwarfs, Op. 54 No. 3, by Grieg, played by Phillip Gordon,
has the Ampico roll numbers 59951 and 81051. It was issued in 1921.
I can't help with "Concert Etude of 36". I suggest roll number 41143
is not an original Ampico roll, as I can find no reference to it in
Obenchain. However it could be a new release, as Bill Flynt's 1970
productions used roll numbers starting around 40000.
Peter Phillips
[ Bill Flynt says he will write his recollections of the piano rolls
[ he created many years ago for Play-Rite and other firms. He recalls
[ that 30000 and 40000 series Ampico catalog numbers were bestowed
[ by Klavier (Harold Powell) and Play-Rite (John Malone) and AMR
[ (Frank Adams). I would like to list these "contemporary" rolls
[ created for the Ampico piano at the MMD Media site, and I hope that
[ MMDers will please send information about such rolls in their
[ catalogs and collections. -- Robbie