Hello! Michael Woolf writing about "Organocleides" at eBay [030709
MMDigest]. I immediately visualized some theatre-organ-like contraption
played by wooden cylinders! (Remember the unique Ophicleide in the
Atlantic City Organ). But, searching for the same thing at Google,
here's what I found:
"I think the sound of this one is unique," Mr. Eric said, lifting the
church off its base to expose the works. "The farther you walk away
from it, the more it sounds like an organ. It is what we call a
`supermandolin' box. It is also known as an `organocleide.' "
Read more at the web site of restorers Christian & Kathleen Eric,
"N.Y.Times Article", at http://www.antique-music-box.com/
Best regards
Christofer Noering, Stockholm