For those of you new to the hobby/business of mechanical music, I am
placing for sale on eBay the following items. I normally sell things
off my web site, first announcing it in the MMD. However, since many
of you get this journal at different times of the day, people have been
disappointed in the past because they missed a particular item. Now
everyone will have an equal chance to bid on something that they might
Do a search on eBay for user name "fozlum". You should see, by
Wednesday of this week, 9 July, 2003 the following lots:
1. American International Galleries Catalogs #6, #7, and #12, dated
1976, 1977 and 1979 respectively. Catalogs contain not just musical
instruments but arcade games, and even a printing press.
2. Mechanical Music Center Catalogs #3, #4, #6, #7, #9 and #10 dated
from spring of 1978 to the Spring-Summer of 1982.
3. Mekanisk Musik Museum catalogs #2, #3, #4, and #5, dated from 1972
through 1975.
4. Hathaway & Bowers catalogs #'s 2 though 17 inclusive dated from
1967 through Autumn of 1971.
There is a wealth of information in these journals including pictures
of machines that I know are rare and unusual.
One of the nice things about moving is the fact that you find things
that have been lost for years. Such is the case here.
There is more to come, including all the Vestal Press House organs from
issue #1 on.
Ed Gaida
San Antonio, Texas - Alternately baking and flooding 18 blocks north
of the Alamo