Hi Group, On the Fourth of July, Independence Day, I had the great
pleasure of loading the Tangley CA-43 on the back of a 1930 Model A
Ford pickup and taking it to town of Sierra Madre, California, a small
foothill community near Pasadena. It is a fun parade that includes
various antique and collector car groups, Cub Scout and Boy Scout
groups, dancers, bicycle groups, Sierra Madre Search and Rescue,
police, fire and forestry vehicles, and floats of many community
service groups.
The turnout was the largest I have seen in the last seven years that
I have been it the parade. The crowd was many more rows deep than
usual. When we got to the small park that is usually the end of the
parade, the crowd went for another three blocks.
It is a joy to see the little children dancing to the calliope music
and the retirement home residents waving their flags and clapping with
the music. All along the route the people waved and yelled "Thank you!"
Shriners helped with traffic control, and near the end of the parade
the Masons came onto the route to hand out cold lemonade to the
It was a great small town old-fashioned parade, with a great turnout
of the town as participants and viewers. It was a great deal of fun.
Jack M. Conway, Los Angeles, California, USA