In 030530 MMDigest Vincent Morgan wrote asking about the tunes "Hot
Stuff" and "Snow Deer" which Richard Riley recut from A-roll versions.
The second one, "Snow Deer", is easy: it is indeed the song (not rag;
rather an Indian intermezzo - two step) composed by Percy Wenrich.
The first one, "Hot Stuff", is a genuine mystery, and I have researched
sheet music sources for years to try and pin this down as to composer
and date. It is not the "Hot Stuff Rag" composed by Maharb, nor is it
several other tunes which exist with the same or similar titles.
Howard Lutter (famous Welte artist) composed a tune, "Hot Stuff - One
Step", which is a terrific rag, but again not the A-roll composition.
So after all this time it's still a mystery; maddening because the
A-roll "Hot Stuff" truly is! It's a great early rag, probably ca.
All best,
Frank Himpsl