Yesterday John Tuttle wrote:
> So, one way to reduce the possibility of the MMDigest getting
> identified as spam is to eliminate the hyperlinks... In other
> words, by simply changing the address from 'http://www.player-
>' to '' it will no longer appear to
> be a hyperlink and the filters will only 'see' it as text.
A good idea, but it won't always work. In the newest versions of
Microsoft Outlet Express, the program recognizes a URL without the
'http://' prefix as a valid URL, and automatically reattaches the
prefix internally, causing the site to come up if clicked upon anyway.
But in my Internet Explorer, formatting a URL inside inverted commas
makes it appear as plain text, not as a hyperlink. Thus:
'' looks like ordinary text, whereas: automatically appears in blue, and functions just
like the whole URL, as if it had the http:// prefix.
If people use this device, the recipient would still have to manually
copy the address, minus the single quotation marks, into their browser
address line, to make it functional.
Richard Vance
[ Because the "helpful features" of Microsoft products are not
[ controlled by an international agreement, the results with other
[ vendor's email programs and web browsers cannot be predicted.
[ -- Robbie