A forthcoming move to a smaller house forces the sale of a 5-foot
3-inch Yamaha Disklavier grand, model DC1-2P (black). This instrument
was bought new in 1998 and the guarantee runs to 2008. Various experts
have commented favourably on this piano and Spencer Chase, who visited
a couple of years ago, was impressed with it's tone and quality.
Quote: "It is one of three Yamahas that I have heard that I like."
Spencer and Warren Trachtman have recently collaborated to produce an
excellent new expression model for the Duo-Art system. Their latest
MIDI files play superbly on this piano and sound remarkably authentic.
The instrument is in showroom condition and comes complete with over
100 discs of music plus several thousand compatible MIDI files. This
library of music includes a large number of piano roll transcriptions
together with some of the latest modern recordings produced on
Disklaviers and similar interments. The asking price is =L=11,500
(pounds sterling) and the location is Cromer, England.
Richard Stibbons