When discussing Ampico A vent valves, the side issue of the "Ampico B"
name designator surfaced, again. As Robbie said:
>[ The manual, "The Ampico Service Manual 1929", simply calls the
>[ mechanism "The Ampico". I don't know if the term "model B" was ever
>[ used in print by Ampico or by the successor Aeolian American Corp.
Yes, the manual and many other references call the "B" mechanism the
New Ampico, but in one spot the factory refers to the piano as the
Model "B" Ampico. From the "Service Manual 1929", page 19, first
paragraph we read:
"The No. 1B hole in the bass end of the tracker bar of the
Model "B" Ampico is not used."
The collectors did not name the machine, the factory did.
Bob Taylor
[ That's great, Bob! As many times as I poured over that book,
[ I never noticed the reference. Has anybody seen it in print
[ in advertisements? -- Robbie