I noticed that in the 030329 Digest there were listings of scales
["Andersson 18-Note Piano-Harpa Scale"]. They were almost identical
with the exception of B/H.
Maybe that in future Digests we have either the author or the editor
straighten it up into _one_ form only. B=H! But maybe not everybody
knows that.
At least for Germans I can pretty much state that there might be
a confusion, as B also could be a shortcut for "Hb" which would
of course equal "Bb" or "A#".
Alle Klarheiten beseitigt?
greetings by(e) InK - Ingmar Krause
Victoria, BC, Canada
Erlangen, BY, Germany
[ "Is all clarity [now] eliminated?" Well, uh, I'm not sure...
[ Mark Williamson asked me playfully, "Is this what is meant by
[ German Imperial Scale," which reminds me of the American gallon
[ (3.79 liter) versus the Imperial gallon (4.55 liter). That's a
[ big difference when buying Scotch whisky! ;-)
[ We need to know the German musical scale notation because fine
[ street organs made in Germany are found throughout the world,
[ and the pipes and the "Operator's Manual" probably read "B"
[ instead of B-flat or A-sharp, and "H" instead of B-natural:
[ German: A, B, H, C
[ Italian: A, A#, B, C
[ -- Robbie