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Desde Santiago de Chile escribe Eduardo Leiva Herrera. Estoy
realizando mi tesis para titularme como Licenciado en Teoria e Historia
del Arte, y necesito saber el origen de un texto de Claes Friberg que
se llama "The Portable Hand-Cranked Barrel Organ -- Its history and
Si conocen su origen, les agradeceria mucho que me hicieran llegar
el titulo del libro, autor, editorial y ano de publicacion. Gracias.
[ translation by Robbie: ]
I am Eduardo Leiva Herrera, writing from Santiago, Chile. I'm
fulfilling my thesis toward the degree Graduate in Theory and History
of Art, and I need to know the origin of a text by Claes Friberg called
"The Portable Hand-Cranked Barrel Organ -- Its history and makers".
If you know its origin, it would be much appreciated if you would
convey to me the title of the book, author, publishing house and year
of publication. Thank you.
[ The text by Claes O. Friberg appears in Bowers "Encyclopedia",
[ pp. 805-812. I'll send Eduardo images of the title pages; it
[ seems he already has a photocopy of Friberg's text. Was it also
[ published elsewhere, perhaps in another language? -- Robbie