Greetings automuse, It has been suggested that I clarify my position
on the use of non original materials in players, specifically with
regard to the use of PVC-E glue [030314 MMDigest].
First, I must say that I would never use non original materials on
anything but my own players. I like antiques and old things like cars
because they have stood the test of time. The techniques used in
player construction are well tested and there is little doubt that
following the same construction techniques (when the same materials
are available) carefully will result in long lived results.
The modifications I make to my own players are reversible and are
largely done in order to make future repairs easier, not more
difficult. I do not use non original glues on anything that can not
be cleaned easily or replaced. I would never use plastic or other
synthetic glues on the end grain of components that are difficult to
replace. It would never come out without great effort. On face grain,
it scrapes off easily probably doing less damage than removing hot glue
but put it on end grain and the wood will probably never be glueable
with anything else ever again.
I constructed the pneumatics with the full intention of replacing them
the next time and should have done so this time too. The piano had
been rebuilt previously and the pneumatics were not the way they would
be if I had stripped them. This gave me a perfect opportunity to test
my new hinge design with little risk.
I would suggest that people who are not familiar with the full
consequences of modifications to a player, just stick with the old
methods. If you are not good at gluing, you will probably do less
damage with hide glue than any other type. Things might not work
well but it will not be impossible for the next person. If you fully
understand the consequences and take precautions to not damage any
parts that would be difficult to replace, then you can probably safely
use other materials.
Best regards,
Spencer Chase
Garberville, CA