I just came across this link to a very interesting report, "Pianos:
Economic and competitive conditions affecting the US industry,"
published in May 1999 by the US International Trade Commission.
It's huge -- 145 pages, coming to 600k in PDF format.
Its primary aim is to see how the US trade fares in light of the
competition, mainly these days from the far east, and to do so it
gives a vast amount of detail of the industry worldwide.
There's all sorts of intriguing things, such as who owns which brand
names, many of those familiar to player piano enthusiasts are still
in existence attached to Chinese or Korean instruments! It also says
who actually makes the instruments -- which isn't quite the same thing.
It's not precisely mechanical music, however the term is defined,
although it does mention the one surviving maker of traditional player
pianos, Story & Clark. Anyhow, piano enthusiasts will probably find it
intriguing stuff if they've got a few hours to kill.
Julian Dyer