Dear Pamela, For your theater production in New York City, you will
probably have no difficulty finding an instrument in the USA, but
perhaps it will be more difficult to find the right French tunes you
are looking for.
We have in France several good "noteurs" able to help you.
You may consult a listing of "French-speaking professional people and
companies working in the field of mechanical music and its instruments"
(actually, many of them speak English) on the following web site :
Click in the English welcome page on :
5. The quarterly Journal : Musiques Mecaniques Vivantes (MMV)
and then on : a listing of French-speaking professional etc.
(The same listing is in the "links" section of the
web site, at : "Dealers and manufacturers")
Personally, I should recommend either Pierre Charial or Antoine Bitran,
but others may give you entire satisfaction.
With best regards,
Philippe Rouille (Paris, France)