Hello MMD. I mentioned these rolls here about six months ago. Since
then I have sold about half of them, but there are still about 180
left. My wife is getting sick of them cluttering up our hallway and
wants me to dispose of them at the local auction. But I would rather
see them go to fellow collectors.
Except for a handful of pop rolls they are all classical and salon
music and are all 88-note, no reproducing rolls. They will seem very
cheap to overseas collectors because the Australian dollar is low at
present. It is worth roughly 59c U.S., 36 U.K. pence or 0.55 Euro.
The down side is the cost of postage. The two effects more or less
cancel out, making these rolls affordable. If you are interested,
email me and I'll send you an Excel file (or a text file if you can't
read Excel) which describes the rolls and their condition in detail.
I promise not to mention these rolls in the august files of MMD again.
John Phillips in Hobart, Tasmania