I have operated part time mail order businesses all my life and sold
thousands of items on eBay. No one size formula fits all and the
statistical variation of experience from person to person varies widely
as well as emotional irrational thinking as would be found rooting for
a certain sports team.
For example, for me shipping to Canada has been poor but no problems
to the UK to the extent I won't ship to Canada but will gladly to the
UK. I have on occasion bought and sold to countries I had not even
heard of with no problems.
I find that policies and personnel attitudes vary widely from town
to town regarding the shippers used. I only use the United State Post
Office because, believe it or not, their reliability for me has been
far higher than other private companies. Another example, is that from
thousands of personal checks received, I have never had one bounce.
Yet, I meet many who have a completely opposite experience. My
suggestion with shipping in and out of Norway, of which I cannot recall
ever doing myself, if I experienced difficulties, I would treat it as
I have Canada and quit bothering with that country.
Don Winter