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Wurlitzer Style 150 Roll Recutting Projects
By Bill Masterman

Style 150 roll lovers rejoice!

Hi all,  I come to you today with some great news for Wurlitzer band
organ owners that use the style 150 roll.  As many of you may know,
there were some very nice rolls that Tom Meijer arranged back in the
1980s.  Harvey and Marion Roehl contracted Tom Meijer to make them a
special set of four 10 tune rolls, entitled "Good Old USA Carousel
Music".  These four rolls were then used to make recordings for sale
by the Roehls.  In addition, only 12 extra sets of rolls were made and
available for sale.  Since then, there has been no recutting of these
rolls, and the four roll set is in short supply.

I have wanted this set of rolls to play on our Wurlitzer 146 for quite
a long time.  And finding them for sale is harder than pulling hens
teeth.  This is where my idea of a recutting project came to mind.
I contacted Marion Roehl a bit over a year ago about this.  She has
given her blessing that they can be recut and made available to the
masses.  She did not even want any royalties paid to her for making
the recuts available.  Many thanks, Marion!

I have been talking with Mike Grant in Indiana, and he is now ready to
fire up the perforator and get going on copying the set of rolls.  This
is a labor of love for Mike, who barely even makes minimum wage for all
the hours of time he spends making rolls for our enjoyment.  His price
is still only US$25.00 per roll for style 125 and 150 Wurlitzer rolls.
And that is with a very nice original looking box as well, I might add.

I have located 3 of the 4 rolls needed to copy and make this recutting
project happen.  Many, many thanks to Bruce Miller of Issaquah,
Washington, for being willing to loan the three rolls to Mike for
recutting.  Here is where your help is needed, we need to hopefully
borrow the missing roll to have the whole set once again available.
Otherwise, there will only be three of the four roll set available in
about 4 weeks from Mike Grant when the recutting project has been

The missing roll is "Good Old USA Carousel Music, Roll number 4".  Does
anyone have this roll available that they would be willing to loan?
You would receive not only your original roll back after recutting,
but also a free complimentary copy of that roll in thanks for making it
available for the project.

Tune list of the roll number 4 that is needed:

 1. Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me
 2. Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey
 3. Row, Row, Row
 4. Ja-Da
 5. Get Out and Get Under
 6. Organ Grinder's Serenade
 7. Rock-a-Bye Your Baby With a Dixie Melody
 8. Good Bye Broadway, Hello France
 9. Darktown Strutter's Ball
10. High School Cadets

If anyone has this roll available for recut loan, please let myself or
Mike Grant know.  Mike's phone is 260-248-8288.  My phone, Bill Masterman,
is 253-565-9470.  My email is: (remove

What is in this for me, you ask?  Nothing but the privilege of finally
being able to own a set of these wonderful rolls!  In fact, I am buying
two sets just to own one set, as I am paying for the extra copies that
will go to Bruce Miller and whomever else could loan us a roll number
4.  As well, I will reimburse someone for the shipping costs of getting
that roll number 4 to Mike Grant, and back to you, heavily insured.
Yes, that is how bad I have been wanting a set of these rolls!

The arrangements on these rolls is nothing short of outstanding!  More
of a European arranging flavor, and much better in my opinion than most
of the original Wurlitzer arrangements.  We take our 146 out to play in
the public quite often all summer long, and the tunes of these rolls
are very recognizable and good ones to play when we take the organ out.
Now we can all have the opportunity to enjoy these rolls.  Many thanks
once again to Marion Roehl and Bruce Miller.

Once the rolls are recut and ready, I will post here again, along with
complete tune lists for rolls one through three and hopefully number
four if we can find one.  I will also remind you all of how to contact
Mike should you want to order these rolls.

On a related note of interest, Mike Kitner also contracted with Tom
Meijer to make a set of three European style 150 rolls.  Mike's sister
has given her blessing that these can be recut as well.  As usual,
outstanding arrangements on this set of rolls as well.

Previously, Mike Grant was loaned a copy of European roll number three,
"European Marches", which has already been recut and is presently
available from Mike Grant.  I have a copy of roll number one, "European
Favorites", that I am sending Mike Grant this week for recutting.  So,
roll number one from that series will also be soon available.

Has anyone a copy of roll number two, "European Favorites" they could
loan to Mike Grant for recutting?  Then, that whole European set will
also be available for all to enjoy.  Many thanks go out to Mike Kitner's
sister for making this possible.  (I don't know mike's sister, as it
was other people who obtained her permission to recut these)

Watch for more information once the recutting project is completed,
and the rolls are available.

Bill Masterman
Tacoma, WA
tel.: 253-565-9470

(Message sent Sun 2 Feb 2003, 20:53:22 GMT, from time zone GMT-0500.)

Key Words in Subject:  150, Projects, Recutting, Roll, Style, Wurlitzer

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