I am being asked to help someone who owns a fine example of the Regina
No. 1 coin-operated disc box (playing the 15-1/2" disc, although that
is immaterial here), which is pictured on p. 187 of the Bowers
Encyclopedia and described on p. 184.
His machine is all original except that it is missing the coin catcher,
and my correspondent wants to know what the coin catcher looks like.
Here is what he says, relating to the question:
"[My Regina] works fine, but there is one part missing. It is the
coin catcher. I don't expect to find one, but don't know what to add
to make it close to original. Do you know what was used for catching
the coins? My guess is a tin cup. There is a sheet metal strip with
a loop on the end over the area where the coin falls. I assume the
catcher was attached to the loop. Since there is no wire through the
loop, it might have been attached with leather? I have no other clues
as to what might have been used."
If anyone knows the answer, he can contact the inquirer, Don Naples,
directly at <d419naples@attbi.com>.
Matthew Caulfield (Irondequoit, N.Y., under 2 feet of snow)