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Please have a look at the picture:
Sorry for the long URL. What I am looking for is the cover for
the coin box of a 1927 Wurlitzer add-on nickelodeon or coin op
mechanism. The coin drop box is behind the lid on the photo.
Tombstone shaped, with the drop slot on top. I have not measured it,
but should be about 10 to 12" high. I need the cover for that box.
The lid in front is the cover for the internal mechanism.
A little background on where it comes from. In 1927 Victor came
out with the first automatic record changer, the VE 10-50 model.
They figured out, right from the beginning, that if you add a coin op
mechanism to it, you'll get a nice sequential jukebox. The
advertisement was "Make 85$ per week."
So my Victor 10-50, sold by a Wurlitzer dealer in Louisville, IL,
was equipped with a Wurlitzer coin mechanism and a coin counter.
Basically, you load the machine up with 12 records, push the start
button, and then the coin mechanism plays 1 record for each nickel
(prepay possible).
If you can think of anyone, who may have an original or a repro,
your help would be appreciated.
Carsten Fischer - carsten"at"sgi.com
San Francisco, CA
tel.: 650-740-5488