Hello MMD readers, Regarding the current tracker bar discussions
and the use of a television camera with one: In September, 1997,
I made a tape for Chas. Smith, who was giving an audio-visual
presentation at the Lake Superior Ragtime Festival.
He provided me with a VHS tape to make from my Hi8 original, and
the 31-min. NTSC videotape was shown to the audience at that event.
Subsequently, I made countless VHS copies of this video recording
and any number were sent to Europe where the recipients were able
to convert them to the PAL standard.
After my brief introduction, showing some commercial rolls (and
their musical faults), I played four complete Artcraft Rolls on our
Steinway AR, with the camera set up using a tripod in such a way that
the spoolbox filled the "screen", as it were. Three were our Duo-Art
rolls of ragtime music and one was an 88-note roll. The Duo-Art titles
included "For Kansas City", by David T. Roberts, and the 88-Note
arrangement was "The Darkey Todalo", by Joe Jordan.
The Sony camera was equipped with AVC (Automatic Volume Control),
but there was an illusion of accenting, since my graduated staccato
(which eliminates 'homogeneous' organ-like perforations) gave a sense
of "solo" for these keys were held down a fraction longer than other
parts of the arrangements.
Musicians continue to write me about "what they have learned" from
seeing these rolls play, from start to finish, complete with the
tracker bar in full view. I'm certain that many MMD readers have,
or have seen, a copy of this videotape.
The recording concluded with views of our #8-B Leabarjan and #5
Leabarjan perforators, plus a picture of the Steinway pedal O grand
piano, open and closed.
Hope the above has been of some interest!
Douglas Henderson - Artcraft Music Rolls
Wiscasset, ME