Hi Folks, Over the years, we have tried to collect "every roll for
every instrument ever produced". Storage areas, particularly for the
176-note Duo-Art Organ rolls, are overflowing. Recut duplicates and
all of the original organ rolls have to go. In addition, we are
transcribing most of our 176-note Duo-Art rolls to floppy disk. When
that project is completed, we will have a 176-note Concertola and
original "jack box" (to control the stops) for sale. But first things
first --
We have 115 brand new, boxed recuts (no duplicate titles) from a recent
recutting project for sale for $2,000 (50% of the original 2001 cost).
In addition, there are 75 original Duo-Art Organ rolls, nicely boxed,
for $1,000. Purchase both lots for only $2,800. (Shipping costs are
not included; first come, first served.)
Sorry, these rolls are available as one or two lots and not be
individual titles. Please help get my wife off my back in time for
Christmas. She has little closet space for family items.
Rick Cooley
Delaware, USA
Tel.: (302) 239-5658