After 14 years of living and working in the same location, I am
having to move to new digs. In many ways this will be the easiest
move I have ever made, as the present buildings will be demolished
soon after I have vacated the premises. What I don't want, or do
not have room to store, will be left for the wrecking ball.
I have several sets of parts for a modified version of the John Smith
busker organ. I have never finished them and do not want to move them
nor store them in the new location, so I am offering them up for sale.
This is _not_ a complete kit, and you will have to purchase a copy of
the Smith plans in order to complete the organ; however, many of the
more difficult parts have already been made for you. These parts are
for the _original_ John Smith organ, not the Senior or the Universal.
Included in the deal is an action test roll and a certificate for
US$ 100.00 worth of rolls from my current roll catalog. These parts
with the rolls are priced at US$ 325.00 plus shipping.
Priority mail rates are now structured according to zip code. Packed
for shipment, these parts weigh approximately 15-20 pounds. There is
a convenient calculator on the web page referred to below. For
complete details and pictures, you are referred to:
As I clean up and out, there will be more items offered for sale.
As they used to say, "Don't touch that dial!"
Ed Gaida - Moving even closer to the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas.