An inquiry has emerged as to the feasibility of converting an upright
Bechstein Green Welte reproducing piano to play Licensee rolls. In
theory, a tracker bar swap might be all that's needed. However, on
closer examination, not so simple.
The Green Welte tracker bar is a transposer, with 5 ports on each end
for various controls, separated by 82 playing note holes.
The Licensee system/tracker bar is not a transposer and needs 8 ports
on bass end, 10 ports on treble end, separated by 82 playing note
I understand there are some rebuilders out there who have done this.
We are hopeful that from within MMD participants, specific advice will
emerge on what is required to make this Green to Licensee conversion.
Grahame Code
[ Lock-and-cancel valves are employed in the Welte T-100 system and
[ also the Licensee system, so that the paper roll is not weakened
[ with long extended perforations (such as are seen on Duo-Art rolls).
[ Thus a total of eight lock-and-cancel valves must be installed to
[ enable the T-98 system to play Licensee rolls. Alan Erb recently
[ wrote to MMDigest that he has a supply of new Wurlitzer-style unit
[ valves for sale; these could be adapted for your purpose.
[ Don Scheetz <>, of Sidney Center, NY,
[ makes top quality replacement tracker bars for 350-400 US$, should
[ a used Licensee tracker bar not be available. -- Robbie