Hello! Ingmar Krause wrote in 021022 MMDigest, "Although tricky at
times to match the right height it usually always fits, but you can
get the whole range of instruments that is out there..."
Can you really? When I acquired my 65-note Aeolian push-up player, it
was clearly too low for my upright, and couldn't be adjusted farther up
(it already had kind of high-heeled appearance).
But as I rebuilt it, I closely followed the original instructions found
on the inside -- "To Adjust This Instrument to Grand Piano" -- after
re-writing them thus:
"To adjust this instrument _from_ Grand Piano height _back to
upright_ height"
"Remove back of case and attach the narrow filling strip (that
_originally_ will be found fastened) by three small cleats. Turn
_down_ the leather nuts on pneumatic wires about 2 inches and then
_raise_ finger bar to the position of _old_ screw holes (_originally_
indicated by punch marks on action ends). Also _raise_(?) the two metal
brackets, fastened to back of cheek blocks.
"Care should be taken to level fingers and preserve the proper angle of
same in order to obviate as much as possible all sliding motion between
fingertips and keys.
"The filling strip removed from back of case can now be _placed_ in
opening _under_ finger shelf and case top."
Best regards
Christofer Noering